The diary of Mr. Morning

Here comes Mr. MorningMr.Morning

Mr.Morning brings you the blues…

Let’s start with a regular, boring, cold and rainy monday morning in november, for example. Here we are. What can you expect from it, when it’s grinning at you, whispering: „Hello dear, get up and get in touch with me, i’ve got  big surprises (that means big bullshit, in other words) for you today, you know,  i’m your oldest friend,remember,  i’m the first day of the rest of your life,  i’m your personal Mr. Morning…“ Is it the radio? Is it real? Or just a nightmare?


Left-handed Design for a right-handed world


It’s a blue Blu’s World. This should have been the first post of this blog, but it isn’t. Doesn’t matter. That’s just the way left-handed people are thinking and acting:   It’s a kind of somnambulistic existence, a certain strange way of life. Approximately 10% of the world population is left-handed. You might say now: So far, so good – but who cares and who the hell is Blu?


Journey to the left side of the moon.



Let’s start the journey with a greeting to you. You, the visitor of blu’s world. It’s  incredible: such much subscribers and nobody will get the chance to post a comment?

Anyhow, it’s better this way, because every comment will linger on in the universe and influence this special voyage to the moon…to the left, left side of the moon… Weiterlesen

Alzheimer’s memories

Well, let’s see, what I am going to write today? Oh yes, I remember: this should be the first post of my new column. It’s about what can human being remember after all the shit happens nowadays. Only the important things, you may think.  Thats pretty clear. So, for everyone the importance of things is different. But what, if you loose the name of your brother, sister, father, mother and so on and on? Thats quite a shame, isn’t it? Or, maybe even worse, because it  damages your career and future: you starting to talk in a conference and in the middle of your speech the words and thoughts are fading away…

The fading away of the memories

The fading away of the memories

It’s like the dark hole. There is nothing to do.

Ok. Whats next? Damned, what i’m going to write about… Weiterlesen

Alfred A. Alzheimer write’s again

Hi Folks,

it*s time to examine some details of the human development, before it’s to late and everything ends up in a unforgettable mess. Well, what was i about to say? Ah, yes, of course, nowadays the good thing is, that you can stick all of your memories on a digital device and forget about the rest.

Look in the mirror

Look in the mirror – what’s behind your (sur)face?


So, after that,  you’ll look in the mirror to find out, what’s behind your surface, and – uuuh, surprise!! – what’s that!?! Weiterlesen